Aphorisms Galore!

Love and Hate

114 aphorisms  ·  13 comments

Aphorisms in This Category

tiny.ag/toy71ing  ·  submitted 1997

Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/lkwaonin  ·  submitted 1997

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

Sacha Guitry, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/t9m3smqg  ·  submitted 1997

Women make love for love, men make love for lust.

Derrick Harge, in Love and Hate and Men and Women

tiny.ag/ji1h0t57  ·  submitted 1997

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Thomas Haynes Bayly, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/0rcgdke8  ·  submitted 1997

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

William Blake, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/tckzdvry  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Love: A temporary insanity cureable either by marriage or by removal of the influences under which he incurred the disorder. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than the patient.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/rfa7bnoi  ·  submitted 1997

Incompatibility: In matrimony a similarity of tastes, particularly the taste for domination.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/opp6altk  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Happiness: An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/snlzrsu1  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Hatred: A sentiment appropriate to the occasion of another's superiority.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/3b0kjrvh  ·  submitted 1997

Helpmate: A wife, or bitter half.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/lem4yqnc  ·  submitted 1997

One does not make friends, one recognizes them.

Unknown, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/xok5uj1y  ·  submitted 1997

She's the kind of woman you could fall madly in bed with.

Unknown, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/wt4musvj  ·  submitted 1999 by Megan

Saying you love someone when you don't love yourself is like a naked person offering you a shirt.

Maya Angelou, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/pry4dane  ·  submitted 1997

I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!

Tom Lehrer, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/9qotdgih  ·  submitted 1999

Jesus may love you, but I think you're garbage wrapped in skin.

Doug Kenney, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/lrxegzwj  ·  submitted 1997

If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.

Dorothy Law Nolte, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/oojczsgc  ·  submitted 1997

Talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/trqc76bd  ·  submitted 1997

Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.

Cindy Lew, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/7m6iy0cd  ·  submitted 1997

When love turns into dust, money becomes the substitution.

D. H. Lawrence, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/41gyx5is  ·  submitted 1997

Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got.

Sophia Loren, in Love and Hate