Then there are those who manage to get by.
John T. Evans, With aplologies to H. L. Mencken. · submitted 2001
My best advice for dealing with liberal celebrities is this: treat them as you would any other circus monkey-- a creature that is cute, amusing and oh so clever, but when confronted with a superior intellect is only capable of screeching and flinging poop at it. · submitted 2001
Home is A place you can't be turned away from, can't be asked to leave and can grow some food if you're poor.
It's part of The American Way of HomeLife, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness (Home, Sweet Home with God/Love). Luke9:58, John10:10, 1Cor12:26, Luke10:27, Deut6:5 & 1John4:16 KJV1776
David Andrew Nunnery, · submitted 2001
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one" · submitted 2001
"When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream."
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