Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

5121–5140 (5307)

tiny.ag/rdomayje  ·  submitted 2001

Socialism is when one man knows exactly what the mass need; If the mass have the bad habit of knowing what they personally need, then they are dead wrong.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/de94pbaw  ·  submitted 2001

The way to understanding begins in life with a level head, a clear conscience, and an open heart.

Master Song

tiny.ag/hfeswn3c  ·  submitted 2001

I am a student of life and it has taught me well; a slave to
mistakes and all the pain they have brought me; I am merely
but a man.


tiny.ag/wb3tr80y  ·  submitted 2001

After thousands of years of philosophical debate, logical argument, personal eyewitness testimonies, and astonishing records of miracles, there are people who still refuse to believe in God.... yet will readily believe Elvis was abducted by UFOs.


tiny.ag/efrmwb3x  ·  submitted 2001

I have a very basic problem with evolution: it takes too much faith. Think about it; evolution asks you to believe that random chance and vast time--- cosmic forces you wouldn't count on to correctly assemble a preschool jigsaw puzzle--- were responsible for the formation of life itself.


tiny.ag/oj7fkm1g  ·  submitted 2001

An atheist is someone who is very proud of the fact that he cannot be fooled into believing what the evidence demonstrates.


tiny.ag/hujikleb  ·  submitted 2001

"What one can accomplish through the belief in a "god" is a testament to the power of the mind, and not necessarily a testament to the power of "god". Whether the "god" that he or she believes in truly exists is irrelevant; what's important is that he or she believes that there's a "god". It's quite similar to a placebo".

Darrell Le Montre

tiny.ag/i8eomluz  ·  submitted 2001

"Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love".

Albert Einstein

tiny.ag/7ofjqgpk  ·  submitted 2001

"It's much easier to ameliorate than it is to originate".

Darrell Le Montre

tiny.ag/rmco4usw  ·  submitted 2001

"When someone fails to recognize an intelligent mind, he or she succeeds in revealing the absence of one".

Darrell Le Montre

tiny.ag/ya5vplhg  ·  submitted 2001

Socialism is when the government helps its citizens by deciding their lives. Communism is when the government also helps its citizens to decide what to think.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/gb10tga4  ·  submitted 2001

When politician asks for help from the citizens, he is about to raise the taxes. When a politician offers to help the citizens, he is also about to raise the taxes.

Carl, Paradox of Socialism

tiny.ag/bexuycvg  ·  submitted 2001

In a free market economy groups of people can work together and form different co-operative organisations, but the co-operative organisations canÂ’t work together and form a free market economy.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/nium2uo8  ·  submitted 2001

Everyone translates democracy into a government where the people should rule, but funny enough in real life every democratic government asks itself the question how the people should be ruled.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/xm2qyltn  ·  submitted 2001

Communism and socialism has the objective to eliminate all social classes and thus it is no wonder that their first step is always to create the aforementioned classes.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/outcmgae  ·  submitted 2001

Being "Humane" is when we show solidarity to our fellow beings and being "Human" is when we show the solidarity by using our fellow beings money.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/1gzrnm7w  ·  submitted 2001

The only thing that saves us from the Leftists is the fact that they adopted Environmentalism as a stepping-stool to power. Now they cannot make up their minds whether they want us molded, bar-coded, and set to droning along in a socialist hive-- or whether they want us running around the forest, gnawing on raw roots and sleeping naked in the trees.


tiny.ag/05eum2pn  ·  submitted 2001

Of course, it is very important to be sober when you take an exam. Many worthwhile careers in the street-cleansing, fruit-picking and subway-guitar-playing industries have been founded on a lack of understanding of this simple fact.

Terry Pratchett, From the book "Moving Pictures"

tiny.ag/gmpdlr89  ·  submitted 2001

Asking someone to repeat a phrase you'd not only heard very clearly but were also exceedingly angry about was around Defcon II in the lexicon of squabble.

Terry Pratchett, From the book "Witches Abroad"

tiny.ag/vgjtesch  ·  submitted 2001

The consensus seemed to be that if really large numbers of men were sent to storm the mountain, then enough might survive the rocks to take the citadel. This is essentially the basis of all military thinking.

Terry Pratchett, From the book "Eric"

5121–5140 (5307)