Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

5101–5120 (5302)

tiny.ag/cbtvjreu  ·  submitted 2001

Epitaph: Something said in passing.

Michael Irvine, SCE Higher English exam answer, c.1994

tiny.ag/zfzegvwr  ·  submitted 2001

Epitaph: Something said in passing.

Michael Irvine, SCE Higher English exam answer, c.1994

tiny.ag/9vhl3t76  ·  submitted 2001

A man owning a watch knows the exact time. A man with two watches is never sure.


tiny.ag/yba7ooat  ·  submitted 2001

If the egg falls on the stone, too bad for the egg. If the stone falls on the egg, too bad for the egg.

An advised manager

tiny.ag/vb5lww1q  ·  submitted 2001

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a
very narrow field.

Neils Bohr, Though this one was worth sharing

tiny.ag/y6smm2uw  ·  submitted 2001

This is a test contribution. Please ignore.


tiny.ag/ago4hg6w  ·  submitted 2001

Hugging is sex with clothes on but sex is hugging with clothes off.

Tim Bates, Tim's Compiliation of Aphorisms

tiny.ag/bvtizvgo  ·  submitted 2001

In a world where no man can think for himself, one man must think for all of man kind, that man is Tim Bates.

Tim Bates, http://www.geocities.com/bigoldfashen

tiny.ag/8sykmqwu  ·  submitted 2001

The number one cause of funerals is death.

Tim Bates, Tim's Compiliation of Aphorisms

tiny.ag/utn7yqip  ·  submitted 2001

I live for love, everything beyond that is a complication.

Joshua Luckhurst

tiny.ag/ev3xo1gm  ·  submitted 2001

The only way to create sytle in your writing is to be yourself; if that doesn't work, be someone else.

Kim Blank / Michael Cullen, The Writer's Block Calendar

tiny.ag/eiqs83md  ·  submitted 2001

Doodling is the canal between the hand and the mind. In other words, your doodle flows through your noodle.

Kim Blank, The Writer's Block Calendar

tiny.ag/cnlzdyst  ·  submitted 2001

A bunch of little words in a row often means that some can go.

Kim Blank, The Writer's Block Calendar

tiny.ag/akgvmpqw  ·  submitted 2001

"God" is a verb, not a noun.

Michael Cullen, The Writer's Block Calendar

tiny.ag/ot9h46f5  ·  submitted 2001

You will get farther appealing to someone's self-interest than appealing to their conscience.


tiny.ag/rdomayje  ·  submitted 2001

Socialism is when one man knows exactly what the mass need; If the mass have the bad habit of knowing what they personally need, then they are dead wrong.

Carl, Paradox of socialism

tiny.ag/de94pbaw  ·  submitted 2001

The way to understanding begins in life with a level head, a clear conscience, and an open heart.

Master Song

tiny.ag/hfeswn3c  ·  submitted 2001

I am a student of life and it has taught me well; a slave to
mistakes and all the pain they have brought me; I am merely
but a man.


tiny.ag/wb3tr80y  ·  submitted 2001

After thousands of years of philosophical debate, logical argument, personal eyewitness testimonies, and astonishing records of miracles, there are people who still refuse to believe in God.... yet will readily believe Elvis was abducted by UFOs.


tiny.ag/efrmwb3x  ·  submitted 2001

I have a very basic problem with evolution: it takes too much faith. Think about it; evolution asks you to believe that random chance and vast time--- cosmic forces you wouldn't count on to correctly assemble a preschool jigsaw puzzle--- were responsible for the formation of life itself.


5101–5120 (5302)