Ambrose Bierce, writer (1842-1914) · submitted 2002
Nobody cares what the dessert tastes like, when the appetizer is turds in a blanket.
Bil McNeil, News Radio (Television Show) · submitted 2002
I can roll a turd in the sugar bowl, but that won't make it candy.
Daniel R. Senatore, Original (I created it myself) · submitted 2002
I can roll a turd in the sugar bowl, but that won't make it candy.
Daniel R. Senatore, Original (I created it myself) · submitted 2002
Everybody`s got to eat a peck of dirt before they die
neil gaiman, The Sandman: The Kindly Ones · submitted 2002
"The man who carries the entire world on his shoulders leaves himself no ground on which to stand."
No author, simple observation on life · submitted 2002 by Saeed
Islam is NOT a religion in
which God requires you to send your son to die for Him. Christianity is
a faith in which God sent His son to die for you. How can god have a son if he isnt human? Why attach human qualities to the creator of all mankind? · submitted 2002
Politics: Etymologically is composed of two words - Poli is derived from the Greek word for MANY; Tics are a blood sucking insect.
Jay Leno, From the Tonight Show. How wierdly true · submitted 2002
The great distance one must travel to achieve success is one step in the right direction. · submitted 2002
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. · submitted 2002
I mistrust systematizers and I avoid them. The will to a system is a lack of integrity. · submitted 2002
The only virtue in being stubborn is that you know exactly what you will be thinking about tomorrow! · submitted 2002
A really modern APHORISM: "When social activists – i.e. outrageous liberal jerks - say that "extremists" are just nutty people, I worry a bit. And here is why. Because to say extremists are crazy is the opposite of saying nutty people are really smart. That is so wrong. And I wish all the really stupid liberal people in the world would recognize this truth and grow up. So there…" · submitted 2002
If I wanted to get rid of my neighbors I would just do weird stuff like put shaving cream on my lawn before I mow it.
Brian, Everyday Conversation · submitted 2002
I worry a bit when the greatest vice social activists can attribute to someone is "extremism". As if the fervor with which someone believes something were more important than the actual content of what they believed....
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