Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

4841–4860 (5308)

tiny.ag/yc214hji  ·  submitted 2002

People tend to ascribe their successes to their own virtues and their failures to other's faults

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/wwsz5xsb  ·  submitted 2002

Believe you can get the dream, otherwise it is just a wish.


tiny.ag/sus6jeof  ·  submitted 2002

"There are two kinds of people in this world: sick bastards, and closet sick bastards"

Darrell La Montre, Darrell's Book of Aphorisms

tiny.ag/odas6ap8  ·  submitted 2002

"When you fail to recognize an intelligent mind, you succeed in revealing the absence of one"

Darrell La Montre, Darrell's Book of Aphorisms

tiny.ag/rbhvqlfc  ·  submitted 2002

People only have to be themselves to be monsters.

Greg Hollingshead, from 'The Roaring Girl'

tiny.ag/oxpguz97  ·  submitted 2002

In chess, only the white player has the right to make the fist move... Racism?

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/zodivabm  ·  submitted 2002

I want to weep every time I recall that in '92 the American people willingly elected a man whom they could not trust alone with either their daughters or their silverware...


tiny.ag/iaufqwtn  ·  submitted 2002

Man is an excellent exception to Darwin's
Laws; he's not fit for anything but he still survives.

old one, old one

tiny.ag/o2tuxnwy  ·  submitted 2002

People who suffer from hunger do not ask questions about what reality is.

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/kqzolmat  ·  submitted 2002

There is nothing in the universe more arrogant, more petulant, more self-righteous than a teenager... and liberals are nothing more than teenagers trapped in adult bodies.


tiny.ag/qntopio9  ·  submitted 2002

The infinite is where parallel lines meet and politicians agree.

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/mahrlpf1  ·  submitted 2002

After 35 years of hard work I have managed to become a child prodigy.

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/1hysztez  ·  submitted 2002

Socrates was wrong. If you know nothing then you cannot know it.

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/frv5tbqy  ·  submitted 2002

good brands are priceless. they should be the only unchanging thing we hold on to.

kate haskett, shock media studios, design aphroism

tiny.ag/yopmr5em  ·  submitted 2002

If you think you cannot stand any more, then start to walk.

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/y7bxspuw  ·  submitted 2002

Without contraries there is no progression

William Blake, This is Blake's most important aphorism

tiny.ag/nyfpopq1  ·  submitted 2002

Happiness is a perfume which you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself


tiny.ag/gcijdu1f  ·  submitted 2002

Look at the details and you will see the whole

M.A. Fiol

tiny.ag/1n2ck8zx  ·  submitted 2002

Most of us love from our need to love, not because we find someone deserving.

Nikki Giovanni

tiny.ag/vl6dcmr1  ·  submitted 2002

A man has a burger and you give him one burger more, that's addition.

Vinay Chhabra & Manish Dewan, Operations Research Simplified

4841–4860 (5308)