To see outside, you must look from within. · submitted 2002
"Amateurs talk about strategy, the pros talk about logistics."
Col. Ken Allard, Ret., NBC Military Analyst, 8/15/02 · submitted 2002
I've noticed that those people who proclaim a hatred for the existence of religion and the belief in God, generally don't seem to like people that much either.... · submitted 2002
"The race may not always go to the swiftest, but that's the way to bet" · submitted 2002
Proud? Yes I am proud, I must be proud
to see men not afraid of God, afraid of me!
Alexander Pope, from Dialectics · submitted 2002
Reason is, and ought to be, the servant of the passions.
David Hume, The Atheist, according to his friends · submitted 2002
...the Taxes are indeed very heavy... but we are taxed twice as much by our Idleness, three times as much by our Pride, and four times as much by our Folly.
Ben Franklin, The Autobiography and other writings · submitted 2002
To a cost-benefit analyst, sex may look like a time-consuming, energy-swallowing waste of time.
Howard Bloom, from Global Brain · submitted 2002
The pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable. (an appraisal of the value of sex to humanity) · submitted 2002
After all, what is Reality anyway? Nuthin' but a collective hunch.
Lily Tomlin, cited in Global Brain by Howard Bloom · submitted 2002
There have to be crooks in this world too. If everyone were honest with each other, they'd soon start punching each other's noses.
Jaroslav Hasek, from The Good Soldier Svejk · submitted 2002
You have to have some horror, to make the mourning worthwhile.
Jaroslav Hasek, from The Good Soldier Svejk · submitted 2002
It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.
P.G. Wodehouse, from The Man Upstairs · submitted 2002
Speed is the form of ecstasy the technical revolution has bestowed on man.
Milan Kundera, from Slowness · submitted 2002
Today's world, just as it is, contains the sum of the utility of all people of all times. Which implies: the highest morality consists in being useless.
Milan Kundera, Immortality · submitted 2002
Some of the most unattractive individuals in the world feel that they must multiply at all costs. They are apparently under the illusion that the burden of ugliness becomes lighter if it is shared with descendants.
Milan Kundera, The Farewell Party · submitted 2002
The desire for order is a virtuous pretext, an excuse for virulent misanthropy.
Milan Kundera, The Farewell Party · submitted 2002
At 15 I thought only of study; at 30 I began playing my role; at 40 I was sure of myself; at 50 I was conscious of my place in the Universe; at 60 I was no longer argumentative; and now at 70 I can follow my heart's desire without violating custom.
Confucius, from the Analects
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