Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

tiny.ag/q0ujgl5y  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

You got this! But with effective antibiotics, you should make a full recovery within one to two weeks.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Health and Disease and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/likxs9kt  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

There is now no phrase that hasn't been trademarked as a band name. (And yes, I checked, and that phrase has also been trademarked as a band name. This one too. And this one.)

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Art and Literature and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/cre7hxzu  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

When upon the Ark
It came time to embark
If only his family and Noah
Had been a little sloah

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Science and Religion and Art and Literature

tiny.ag/cilku2p3  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

Collide o' scope (n.) Any project for which more than one organization defines requirements.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Success and Failure and Law and Politics

tiny.ag/3s4ggc6f  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

I said I have a can-do attitude. I didn't say I have a do attitude.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Success and Failure and Work and Recreation

tiny.ag/lrva0nmr  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

To qualify for a top secret security clearance requires hard work and sacrifice. But the way I figure it, those sheep and goats weren't going to live much longer anyway.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Law and Politics and War and Peace

tiny.ag/hpkabs8o  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

Lead you not into temptation? Got it. And what else would you like me not to do? - God

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Science and Religion and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/ehy3ia7z  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

By and large, it's better to be far and small.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/p6r7bxnw  ·  submitted 2021 by Rolerbe

There is no greater evil in the world than certitude.

Ed Randalls, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Altruism and Cynicism

tiny.ag/mvbogeon  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

Technically, it can't be dementia if you never had a mind to begin with.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Health and Disease and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/vpbmad58  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

Fate loves the fearless. Especially with pesto.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Success and Failure and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/kxpq914l  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

Note to self: Next time, gird my loins before coming to the office.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Science and Religion

tiny.ag/sctvpbw4  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

You don't pass your prime, you dig out from under it.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/qpug3jvf  ·  submitted 2021 by JAKGalore

Risk management? With pleasure!

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Work and Recreation and Law and Politics

tiny.ag/qlvkbt7a  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

The time? It's about twelve o'pocalypse.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in War and Peace and Law and Politics

tiny.ag/snvas7cb  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

Seize the day.
Constrict the day.
Swallow the day whole.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Happiness and Misery and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/d7v9psoe  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

I've fixed the bugs in my time machine prototype. Next step: get the idea to build a time machine prototype.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Science and Religion and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/o3adhw8q  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

I love you airconditionally.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Love and Hate and Altruism and Cynicism

tiny.ag/8forqvij  ·  submitted 2020 by WJFrank

Babies change everything, except their own diapers.

William J Frank, in Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/0qd5zwja  ·  submitted 2020 by navratan

Happiness comes when you least expect.

Navratan, in Happiness and Misery and Work and Recreation