These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.
161–180 (5310) · submitted 2021 by Duckpuddler · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Do as you please, please as you do.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Happiness and Misery · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
The Zen master told me "Enlightenment requires a still awareness." So I learned how to brew moonshine.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Food and Drink · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Faith may move mountains, but it never yet made a mountain stand still.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Science and Religion and Wisdom and Ignorance · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
The map is not the territory. The territory contains way more errors.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Success and Failure · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
I wasn't born yesterday. In fact, I'm not due 'till later this month.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Altruism and Cynicism and Wisdom and Ignorance · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
If all we are is dust in the wind, how come I never get blown?
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Happiness and Misery and Love and Hate · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
It's not youh, it's meh.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Love and Hate and Happiness and Misery · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Correct me if I'm wrong, but please don't wrong me if I'm correct.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Altruism and Cynicism · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
I resent the slandering of my good name - especially when I have so many bad ones available.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Happiness and Misery and Success and Failure · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Carpe diem ante capit vos. (Seize the day before it seizes you.)
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Success and Failure and Happiness and Misery · submitted 2021 by gourmia01
Choosing best gourmia air fryer is little tought but donâÃÂÃÂt worry here i am drafting best of gourmia air fryer according to their productivity and special feature.
airfryer, in Health and Disease and Food and Drink · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
When you're watching your back, your back is your front.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in War and Peace and Wisdom and Ignorance · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
At the atomic level, the glass is 99.99% empty space. Hope this helps.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Science and Religion · submitted 2021 by rtw
Insanity and Brillance share a hallway
Roger Whitmore
roger whitmore, I coined this with my many clients I deal with, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Success and Failure · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
It's not polite to have a point.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Vice and Virtue and Wisdom and Ignorance · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Actually, I was kind of hoping this is my past life.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Life and Death and Wisdom and Ignorance · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
This too shall be passed.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Life and Death and Happiness and Misery · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Today is International Abolish International Days Day.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Law and Politics and War and Peace · submitted 2021 by JAKGalore
Why is it that, when a single word can remedy hurt, that word so often goes unspoken?
... The word is otorhinolaryngology?
That answers my question, thanks.
The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Altruism and Cynicism and Wisdom and Ignorance
161–180 (5310)