Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

tiny.ag/5zrxquom  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

Age is when you get out of your car, and you look like you're still driving.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Health and Disease

tiny.ag/jbfkpxhz  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

They also never cease to amaze, who never start.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Altruism and Cynicism

tiny.ag/soct3rl1  ·  submitted 2020 by 443111

Nobody can rest in his shadow

Unknown, in Life and Death

tiny.ag/jsf7pr6r  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

It's not casual sex if you're really focused on doing it well.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Love and Hate and Men and Women

tiny.ag/yb0bxr1d  ·  submitted 2020 by Maineman

I always have problems with narrow minded people who do not see things my way.

Paul Watkins

tiny.ag/ugexnzyd  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

Interpersonal skills are like database management systems: being a good listener is about routing incoming requests to an appropriate service handler.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Altruism and Cynicism and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/cgbgy0kz  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

The fact that someone disagrees with me doesn't make that person evil or stupid. To disagree with me they would have to be evil or stupid already.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Altruism and Cynicism

tiny.ag/76uxsjez  ·  submitted 2020 by stuartmillar

from the sublime to the ridiculous is but one step


tiny.ag/x6jtw0we  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

Do not meddle in the affairs of drag queens, for you are hunky and would look good in stirrups.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Love and Hate and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/b7vhosyi  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

You only go as far as your fetish.

Matthew Audia, in Men and Women and Love and Hate

tiny.ag/dyce1nvx  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

If kindness is never wasted, what's it doing crashed out on the floor?

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/vgqxfrci  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

Don't worry about the etheral or other worldly forms police departments it's a really big burden!

Matthew Audia, in Law and Politics and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/njzis1ux  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

Smoking defiles even the best of athletes.

Don Pablo, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Health and Disease

tiny.ag/jy81rpxc  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

Nations are playing golf with our liberty.

Bill Smith, in War and Peace and Law and Politics

tiny.ag/kc59dvnl  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

If your in a bunch of time consuming crud for no reason tell daddy not to pass the karma.

Matthew J. Audia, in Happiness and Misery and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/balu0tmx  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

They're all these options, but only what I will inevitably choose.

Matthew J. Audia, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/ogfonzwu  ·  submitted 2020 by matthewaudia1

The hardest part of anything has always already occured in your past.

Matthew J. Audia, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/zombxkl8  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

We all get a little crazy now and then. The rest of the time we get big crazies.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Art and Literature and Happiness and Misery

tiny.ag/l9rnjfcm  ·  submitted 2020 by JAKGalore

Policy is the best dishonesty.

The Covert Comic, a.k.a. John Alejandro King, in Wisdom and Ignorance and Law and Politics