Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

5061–5080 (5308)

tiny.ag/ucytixfr  ·  submitted 2001

Darling would you please shut up.

Charles biefeldt, (to his wife;last words on his deathbed)

tiny.ag/o752ugyl  ·  submitted 2001

It is difficult to run a country when your drunk!

George Washington, I thought george wasn't a drunk!!!!!

tiny.ag/vnrmjpah  ·  submitted 2001

"Promises are lies with pretty ribbon tied around them."


tiny.ag/bi0s8lqn  ·  submitted 2001

"Remove all the skeletons from your closet and put them in your living room."

-Toby Creek

tiny.ag/mitu1dkh  ·  submitted 2001

"I find it much easier to see the beauty of a girl's hair when it is somewhere other than my food."

-Toby Creek

tiny.ag/5bkwgtvm  ·  submitted 2001

"Remove all the skeletons from your closet and put them in your living room."

-Toby Creek

tiny.ag/1ne3cyau  ·  submitted 2001

The trouble with the rat race ie that even if you win,

Lily Tomlin

tiny.ag/36oixxb2  ·  submitted 2001

I am not more able because I can, but because I will. I then become more able because I did.

Kevin Hawk, A personal observation

tiny.ag/iwh2sa6c  ·  submitted 2001

I'm looking forward to finding out if I am moving forward or onward. Either way, it's forward and onward.

Kevin Hawk, Awaiting the company's layoff decisions

tiny.ag/kx8suvzn  ·  submitted 2001

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Grandma Nancy Blackmore

tiny.ag/axap48g1  ·  submitted 2001

A radish may know no Greek, but I do.

Augustus, Roman emperor; month "August" named for.

tiny.ag/qdwxgul8  ·  submitted 2001

Am I not a free man? In fact, one of the freest in Rome.

Claudius I, Roman emperor, 41-54 AD

tiny.ag/iheivfxc  ·  submitted 2001

To those who say that the media doesn't affect how they behave or think, I have three words: Bud. Weis. Er.


tiny.ag/vkx7fwom  ·  submitted 2001

I'd love to change the world, but I can't find a big enough diaper.

The Covert Comic @ www.covertcomic.com

tiny.ag/qnhipnxf  ·  submitted 2001

Only join a religion if it has a good waterslide.

The Covert Comic @ www.covertcomic.com

tiny.ag/vuifoe0o  ·  submitted 2001

If I don't believe in solipsism, who will?

The Covert Comic @ www.covertcomic.com, My favorite site

tiny.ag/iw24t5gu  ·  submitted 2001

Those who worship human knowledge and reason have a village idiot for a god.


tiny.ag/7dx4iucg  ·  submitted 2001

The atheist may not worship God, but he certainly worships something. He worships human knowledge, human reason-- of which he considers himself the supreme example because he does not believe in God. In short, he worships himself.


tiny.ag/vhxzyp83  ·  submitted 2001

The war between the philosophers and the bean counters is over. The bean counters won.


tiny.ag/vjo14nno  ·  submitted 2001

Primitive man's real relationship with the spirits of Nature generally consisted of: "Oh, mighty Jaguar God, would you be so kind as to please not eat us today ?"


5061–5080 (5308)