Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

4981–5000 (5308)

tiny.ag/tqmqvk1w  ·  submitted 2001

Sometimes we have to lie to save the truth.

Vusal Naib

tiny.ag/yuo4hdyn  ·  submitted 2001

Hell on earth is needing to be loved by everyone.

Jefferson Hennessy

tiny.ag/3j2rxhqh  ·  submitted 2001

Experience is not our most indelible teacher; that honor belongs to the written word.

Jefferson Hennessy

tiny.ag/slnjgdu4  ·  submitted 2001

"Chance" is nature's irrational absolute.

Jefferson Hennessy

tiny.ag/iujdw34v  ·  submitted 2001

Genius is insight that transcends reason.

Jefferson Hennessy

tiny.ag/ofekpmxz  ·  submitted 2001

Struggle is the rainwater that nurtures all life.

Jefferson Hennessy

tiny.ag/aomu9k68  ·  submitted 2001

Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait.

George Harrison, November 2001

tiny.ag/73u9etxv  ·  submitted 2001

Its being here now that's the important thing. You see, there is no past and there is no future. Time is a very misleading thing. You can gain experience from the past, but you can't relive it. And you can hope for the future, but you don't know if there is one.

George Harrison, from "It Was 20 Years Ago Today" - 1987

tiny.ag/nm27txja  ·  submitted 2001

The mark of a brilliant mind is the ability to understand the simplicity of brilliance.

Bill Fishel, from myself

tiny.ag/rx3nzb68  ·  submitted 2001

If you want to fly higher, you have to be able to fall farther.


tiny.ag/ovfdn9tk  ·  submitted 2001

Learning is to the Mind as Exercise is to the Body.

Ron Smith, Its been said in other forms.

tiny.ag/tjzwqvgs  ·  submitted 2001

Without love what do you hate but have? Without hate what do you have but love?


tiny.ag/vavmisti  ·  submitted 2001

If I have seen farther than others, it's because I was standing on the shoulders of that guy who said "If I have seen farther than others, it's because I was standing on the shoulders of giants."

The Covert Comic (www.covertcomic.com), Reviewed in the Washington Post

tiny.ag/eaf5dr3q  ·  submitted 2001

You can catch a storm of trouble,but you can't catch a tidal wave of love,because it will wash all over you.


tiny.ag/xfretlcx  ·  submitted 2001

With power comes freedom, with freedom, responsibility. It is a three-way system; take away one, none of the others truly exist anymore.


tiny.ag/qrdkg2uo  ·  submitted 2001

Safety is cheap. All it costs is your freedom.


tiny.ag/jfxnea19  ·  submitted 2001

"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."

Frank Lloyd Wright

tiny.ag/omgvnq9o  ·  submitted 2001

Y'know, you think you've hit the ultimate in freaked-out sh*t, and then the world just comes around and slaps you upside the head with a dead mackeral.....


tiny.ag/t3zf8qkj  ·  submitted 2001

Risk may be the author of potential loss, but he who vigilantly avoids risk will have nothing of worth to lose.

Caleb Gesek

tiny.ag/b6yzarmk  ·  submitted 2001

Shoot for the stars and you will someday fly. Shoot for nothing and watch life pass you by.

Caleb Gesek

4981–5000 (5308)