you learn who's been swimming naked."
Warren Buffett, aka the Oracle of Omaha · submitted 2002
Cain was the first leftist; seeing his brother enjoy fulfilment that he did not was more than he could bear.... · submitted 2002
"Men, it has been well said, think in
herds; it will be seen that they go mad
in herds, while they only recover their
senses slowly, and one by one."
Charles Mackay, from Extraordinary Popular Delusions · submitted 2002
My life is a novel. Her life is a collection of short stories. · submitted 2002
Lonliness has a kind of fascination; it's a state of egotistical, inner grace that you can achieve only by standing guard on old, forgotten roads that no one travels anymore.
Arturo Perez-Reverte, Translated by Margret Jull Costa · submitted 2002
The Devil speaks truth much oftner than he's deem'd,
He hath an ignorant audience.
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