Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

4741–4760 (5310)

tiny.ag/pb1urmx8  ·  submitted 2002

If you live long enough, the future will catch up with you.

Laurie Stephenson

tiny.ag/pvgi4ozd  ·  submitted 2002

"The greatest pleasures are only narrowly separated from disgust."

Marcus Tullius Cicero

tiny.ag/uyrn7lat  ·  submitted 2002

I think of the world as a game; if you don't play it, you can't win.


tiny.ag/bhgelouv  ·  submitted 2002

Ubiquity is everywhere!

Stan Sears, "The Little Green Book" personal journal

tiny.ag/akwce691  ·  submitted 2002

I have learned by experience that learning is preferable to experience.

David Medici

tiny.ag/to6frxnh  ·  submitted 2002

Few have learned that there is virtue in the unexpressed thought.

David Medici

tiny.ag/vnl2wfgn  ·  submitted 2002

Most people want the libery of opinion without the labor of thought.

John F. Kennedy, Authorship alleged

tiny.ag/qft0oawr  ·  submitted 2002

Any theory that can be put "in a nutshell" belongs there.


tiny.ag/xugrqslk  ·  submitted 2002

Character is coming to know the right from the wrong, choosing to do the right rather than the wrong, then actually doing the right under temptation to do the wrong.

Herbert W. Armstrong

tiny.ag/24ojak9z  ·  submitted 2002

Time is only Nature's way of insuring that EVERYTHING doesn't happen at once.

George Twitchell

tiny.ag/infwx09s  ·  submitted 2002

In vino veritas;
In tequila vermis.


tiny.ag/mmnirsv9  ·  submitted 2002

Do not waste your sympathy on those who are less fortunate than you; One should only feel sorry for the rich and chronically gifted.

Everett Sizemore

tiny.ag/zwus5mng  ·  submitted 2002

Disect your soul with every sentence; Write to understand yourself and people will understand your writing.

Everett Sizemore, May not be EXACTLY an aphorism

tiny.ag/s3cezgki  ·  submitted 2002

"Our first purpose in life is to be as artificial as possible, and our second has not yet been discovered."

Charlie Chaplin

tiny.ag/iuq12zjt  ·  submitted 2002

Anonymous and Unknown were the greatest two philosiphers who ever lived.

Unknown, heard it on radio

tiny.ag/au0rs1kw  ·  submitted 2002

If you board the wrong train, it's no use running along the
corridor in the other direction.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German theologian)

tiny.ag/f1vvxqrx  ·  submitted 2002

To move with words in a way that transcends physical ability is truly a gift—a novelty to be admired.

David Jenkins

tiny.ag/j5spaknm  ·  submitted 2002

God tolerates the intolerable; he is irresponsible and inconsistent, he is not a gentleman.

Arturo Perez-Reverte, Translated by Margret Jull Costa

tiny.ag/7ofq6xvv  ·  submitted 2002

Even with a lot of pracice, you'll never be perfect"


tiny.ag/afxerglz  ·  submitted 2002

When man has reached the wisdom that ”The mystery of Life itself is amoral”, - then the reverence disappears, and he can, in all his physical lack of power, grip the mystery by the neck and shake it like a glove.

Peter Wessel Zapffe, About the tragic

4741–4760 (5310)