Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

4721–4740 (5310)

tiny.ag/dw5mbfsk  ·  submitted 2002

Birth control: less birth, no control.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

tiny.ag/dwqcrejb  ·  submitted 2002

give a smile and recieve a smile


tiny.ag/fsnefvcy  ·  submitted 2002

A closed book gets the same amount of use as a closed mind.

Me, My high school mind

tiny.ag/17i3bkt0  ·  submitted 2002

If you want something done half way ask a man, but if you want something done right the first time ask a WOMAN!

Charity Bryan

tiny.ag/wyz1p7t2  ·  submitted 2002

Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.

Hipolito, from the movie Amelie

tiny.ag/7aukxlit  ·  submitted 2002

"But he meant well" should be the ultimate damnation in the english language. If we had a lick of sense about us, the moment some miscreant called up that wretched defense for his crimes, we would regard it as proof of the true vileness of his misdeeds and redouble our thrashing of him. The wickedest, stupidest, and most destructive deeds of humanity done by people who "meant well" outstrip those done by the wilfully malicious by a hundredfold.


tiny.ag/ynlojif2  ·  submitted 2002

Leftists are the stupid led by the wicked.


tiny.ag/f5ke83ol  ·  submitted 2002

Our greatest moral failure is to credit the morally corrupt with noble intentions-- or act as if noble intentions made evil any less than what it is.


tiny.ag/6ylcbyrl  ·  submitted 2002

"Bad humor is
an evasion of reality; good humor is an acceptance of it."

Malcolm Muggeridge, former editor of Punch Magazine

tiny.ag/6qtwvuxi  ·  submitted 2002

"It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the
established authorities are wrong."


tiny.ag/czikgnca  ·  submitted 2002

"The best is the enemy of the good."


tiny.ag/tbidyjao  ·  submitted 2002

"Never let the perfect become the enemy of the good."

Milton Friedman

tiny.ag/3d0qorvx  ·  submitted 2002

"Never let the perfect become the enemy of the good."

Milton Friedman

tiny.ag/ydt0j7wr  ·  submitted 2002

The best laid of mice and men always go astray.

Joel L. Schiff

tiny.ag/mf14awyo  ·  submitted 2002

Golf is the game in which the walls between the natural and supernatural are rubbed the thinnest.

John Updike

tiny.ag/epwjogdx  ·  submitted 2002

Golf is a game that creates emotions that sometimes cannot be sustained with the club still in one hand.

Bobby Jones

tiny.ag/73z5argx  ·  submitted 2002

I felt like last year's fashion clothes in her wardrobe.

Cris Vikeng

tiny.ag/rmcuafem  ·  submitted 2002

sarcasm is a weakling's revenge

mike giuntoli

tiny.ag/m6dbtgfh  ·  submitted 2002

wisdom is knowing that you're ignorant
knowledge is thinking you're wise

mike giuntoli

tiny.ag/zweurfgs  ·  submitted 2002

Liberals are the self-righteous, led by the self-important, for the benefit of the self-serving.

David Horowitz

4721–4740 (5310)