Aphorisms Galore!

Success and Failure

376 aphorisms  ·  9 comments

Aphorisms in This Category

tiny.ag/ikcjtldg  ·  submitted 1997

A celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness.

Daniel Boorstin, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/opp6altk  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Happiness: An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/snlzrsu1  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Hatred: A sentiment appropriate to the occasion of another's superiority.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Love and Hate and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/imyvlox8  ·  submitted 1997

The Devil's Dictionary (paperback)

Misfortune: The kind of fortune that never misses.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/0516mcy2  ·  submitted 1999 by Chris Blake

The majority of the time, the thing that gets in the way of success... is your brain.

Chris Blake, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/zfe8lgun  ·  submitted 1997

A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.

Arthur Block, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/qwjktm2e  ·  submitted 1997

Some day my boat will come in, and with my luck I'll be at the airport.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/mtyfl0j1  ·  submitted 1997

The Empire Strikes Back, special ed. (VHS (NTSC))

Do, or do not. There is no try.

George Lucas, The Empire Strikes Back (Yoda), in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/enjckxg8  ·  submitted 1997

Nothing very good or very bad lasts very long.

D. W. Luthanen, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/ry72cat0  ·  submitted 1997

There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.

Douglas MacArthur, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/zi6fgh0w  ·  submitted 1997

Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible.

Mao Tse-Tung, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/emt4aro3  ·  submitted 1997

It's better to be an authentic loser than a false success, and to die alive than to live dead.

William Markiewicz, Extracts of Existence, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/sm4gracz  ·  submitted 1997

Strategy: A long-range plan whose merit cannot be evaluated until sometime after those creating it have left the organization.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/tkee56g3  ·  submitted 1997

Small minds are the first to condemn great ideas.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/wvpojnsh  ·  submitted 1997

Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/0dnzu8o7  ·  submitted 1997

Success is a journey, not a destination.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/7tiaqkyk  ·  submitted 1997

Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/yojpg6ut  ·  submitted 1997

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant.

Unknown, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/u05c2aqo  ·  submitted 1997

Nothing is difficult to those who have the will.

Unknown, (motto of the Dutch Poet's Society), in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/s1xthnqz  ·  submitted 1997

Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.

Unknown, in Success and Failure