something from those who disagree with you · submitted 2002
When I was little, I really wanted a bicycle, so I prayed every day that God would send me one. Later, I realized God doesn't work that way, so I stole a bike and asked God to forgive me. · submitted 2002
We spend too much time arguing with people we should just shoot in the face. · submitted 2002
If you encounter someone who cannot be swayed from his opinion on a matter, no matter the evidence, don't waste any further mental effort on him-- do not even waste time being baffled by his spectacular immunity to reality. Banish him from your mind completely and move on. His mental dead weight will only drag you down. · submitted 2002
A leftist will never let what he knows get in the way of what he believes. · submitted 2002
I read somewhere that if you tell yourself you're intelligent, you get intelligent. Okay, I'm intelligent. · submitted 2002
When someone tells you lifeÂ’s a dream, you can bet theyÂ’re about to inconvenience you very badly.-
The Velocity Gospel, Steve Aylett *
If a memo burns faster than you can read it, nature is telling you something.-
Dummyland, Steve Aylett *
Progress accelerates downhill.-
The Velocity Gospel, Steve Aylett *
How many times does a man have to shave before his chin gets the message? -
Slaughtermatic, Steve Aylett *
We have truth in order not to die of art.-
Bigot Hall, Steve Aylett *
One golfer a year is hit by lightning. This may be the only evidence we have of godÂ’s existence. -
Atom, Steve Aylett *
Authority insists that misery is an education. -
Only an Alligator, Steve Aylett *
Honesty is the voice that is acceptable in every matter. -
Shamanspace, Steve Aylett *
The most amusing thing about a pantomime horse is the necessity of having to shoot it twice. -
Bigot Hall, Steve Aylett *
Steve Aylett, Aylett is a satire author from England · submitted 2002
Never has there been so much owed by so many to so few. · submitted 2002
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth las for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."
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