Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

4661–4680 (5310)

tiny.ag/lapgl7v6  ·  submitted 2002

An expert is just someone who makes decisions quickly -- and is SOMEtimes right.

Charlie Chan, The Chinese Cat

tiny.ag/hqadbnig  ·  submitted 2002

Okinawa was Japan's Alamo. Strange to think , lots of us feel they were unpatriotic.

Joshua Carthwright, (a World War II fanatic)

tiny.ag/mv4mfpnc  ·  submitted 2002

"For people who believe that true happines is an unobtainable goal, it is not the idea that happiness does not exsist, it is the illusion that they fall into where they believe happiness is supposed to last every second of the day, for the entirety of their lives. In order feel truly happy we have to experience true sadness, or how would we recognize the two?"

Mandra Lopez, Just thought of it...

tiny.ag/ateo4djf  ·  submitted 2002

ItÂ’s not that you cannot see the forest for the trees, itÂ’s that you donÂ’t want to see the forest.


tiny.ag/pe1jl8of  ·  submitted 2002

"Even in chaos there is a pattern..."

Mandra Lopez, Just thought of it...

tiny.ag/yph5w1io  ·  submitted 2002

"Death is inevitable. Everthing else is consequencial."

Mandra Lopez, Just thought of it...

tiny.ag/et2ir7xw  ·  submitted 2002

"I am not scared of dying. I am worried about living."

Mandra Lopez, Just thought of it...

tiny.ag/vcvtedff  ·  submitted 2002

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

cited by Richard Daughty, Mogambo Guru Economic Commentary

tiny.ag/zegrjukq  ·  submitted 2002

You know how much money it takes to pay for White House expenses? $51,000,000. So if a politician tells you he's going to give two million to the board of education, forget it. It costs 25 times that to furnish one man's house.

Adam "Finley" King

tiny.ag/9ponlgsi  ·  submitted 2002

Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.

John Kenneth Galbraith

tiny.ag/arqjpass  ·  submitted 2002

If you want something, you have to go out and get it for yourself. You have to take all the opportunities that you get and not think twice about what you are doing. Don't wait for something to happen, go out and make something happen.

Alex Roenfeld, I made this all by myself

tiny.ag/af9a0hrm  ·  submitted 2002

You only learn
something from those who disagree with you


tiny.ag/jzykbokw  ·  submitted 2002

When I was little, I really wanted a bicycle, so I prayed every day that God would send me one. Later, I realized God doesn't work that way, so I stole a bike and asked God to forgive me.

Emo Phillips

tiny.ag/fhxdwaha  ·  submitted 2002

We spend too much time arguing with people we should just shoot in the face.


tiny.ag/xteen5is  ·  submitted 2002

If you encounter someone who cannot be swayed from his opinion on a matter, no matter the evidence, don't waste any further mental effort on him-- do not even waste time being baffled by his spectacular immunity to reality. Banish him from your mind completely and move on. His mental dead weight will only drag you down.


tiny.ag/89sbzqwo  ·  submitted 2002

A leftist will never let what he knows get in the way of what he believes.


tiny.ag/p9iuad61  ·  submitted 2002

I read somewhere that if you tell yourself you're intelligent, you get intelligent. Okay, I'm intelligent.

Benjamin Austin

tiny.ag/d8jfwhby  ·  submitted 2002

When someone tells you lifeÂ’s a dream, you can bet theyÂ’re about to inconvenience you very badly.-
The Velocity Gospel, Steve Aylett *

If a memo burns faster than you can read it, nature is telling you something.-
Dummyland, Steve Aylett *

Progress accelerates downhill.-
The Velocity Gospel, Steve Aylett *

How many times does a man have to shave before his chin gets the message? -
Slaughtermatic, Steve Aylett *

We have truth in order not to die of art.-
Bigot Hall, Steve Aylett *

One golfer a year is hit by lightning. This may be the only evidence we have of godÂ’s existence. -
Atom, Steve Aylett *

Authority insists that misery is an education. -
Only an Alligator, Steve Aylett *

Honesty is the voice that is acceptable in every matter. -
Shamanspace, Steve Aylett *

The most amusing thing about a pantomime horse is the necessity of having to shoot it twice. -
Bigot Hall, Steve Aylett *

Steve Aylett, Aylett is a satire author from England

tiny.ag/pkx6c13z  ·  submitted 2002

Never has there been so much owed by so many to so few.

Winston Churchill

tiny.ag/joriwcbo  ·  submitted 2002

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth las for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour."

Winston Churchill

4661–4680 (5310)