Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

5201–5220 (5302)

tiny.ag/2h7ebl4x  ·  submitted 2001

The one who takes a task seriously, will play

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/xjhebt7o  ·  submitted 2001

Small steps in reality require big steps in fantasy

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/axtm7rls  ·  submitted 2001

It is not the fall that is scary,
but the step before you fall

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/wzvqaewg  ·  submitted 2001

The switches to light are in darkness

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/vtxcpu2j  ·  submitted 2001

It is when you feel the smell of your own excrement that you begin to wonder who you truly are...

Unknown, (Translation from the cartoon Arne Anka)

tiny.ag/kwsnaav4  ·  submitted 2001

I drink, the hangover remains for a day...I loved, however here the hangover will remain for a lifetime...

Ameya, Cateogry - Love and Wine

tiny.ag/tnjvqkpa  ·  submitted 2001

"Obscenity is insecurity, Insecurity is ignorance."

R.W. Leslie III, the revalation of a genius

tiny.ag/aksgoucl  ·  submitted 2001

We're only in it for the drugs...

Ebba Grön, Swedish punk-group...

tiny.ag/obxlh7s9  ·  submitted 2001

When one places tongue too firmly in cheek, one may find head up ass.

Fenster Moop

tiny.ag/omp2nidk  ·  submitted 2001

Why should criminals fear the law if it does not punish them?


tiny.ag/xegn7lp8  ·  submitted 2001

Is it justice to let a rapist or murderer live? How so? Are the scales balanced when a man who has robbed a woman of her sanctity and humanity, or who has smashed another man off the face of the earth, is permitted to live-- not only permitted to live but provided, at the expense of the very same people he has violated, with food, clothing and shelter for the rest of his natural life?

RHJunior, Is it justice to let him not live?

tiny.ag/3lqjz71h  ·  submitted 2001

The question in criminal justice is not "prevention" or "deterrence." The question is whether or not we the people should tolerate a behavior, and if not, how it should be punished.


tiny.ag/esas32gk  ·  submitted 2001

"They'll do it anyway" is not a valid excuse.


tiny.ag/rs74lahz  ·  submitted 2001

A society which does not punish its criminals shall inevitably be ruled by them.


tiny.ag/hy1ytp32  ·  submitted 2001

All legislation dictates morality. The only question is: whose morality shall be legislated? Thus far, the legislation of militant nonjudgementalism-- the legalized attempt to abolish moral absolutes-- has only generated a society where nothing is forbidden, anything goes, and everyone lives in a state of ever-deeper chaos and fear....


tiny.ag/w5gqkjb2  ·  submitted 2001

Educators cannot dictate from a stand of "religious neutrality." It is impossible. Firstly, because morality is innately a religious question-- whom do we answer to, and for what.
Secondly, when the teacher banishes the priest, the minister, and the rabbi from the schoolroom, she is implicitly declaring her own religious views-- the religion of agnostic humanism-- to be morally superior to them all....


tiny.ag/tv6bbfq8  ·  submitted 2001

Fables Certain People Should Read:

the National Endowment of the Arts:
"The Emporer's New Clothes"


tiny.ag/rmk6bd1d  ·  submitted 2001

Fables Certain People Should read:
Environmentalists: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."


tiny.ag/flvcysut  ·  submitted 2001

Pro-abortionists and death penalty opponents run in the same circles for an obvious reason. Whether they admit it or not they are both married to the same ugly moral proposition: the right to kill with impunity.


tiny.ag/snykjrwq  ·  submitted 2001

As a people, we make less stringent demands of scientific proof from people claiming environmental catastrophe than the average tabloid makes of alien abductees.


5201–5220 (5302)