Aphorisms Galore!

Create a User Profile

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User Profile

Your user ID can be at most 26 characters long. It can contain letters (AZ, az), and/or numbers (09), and/or dots (.), and/or hyphens (-), and/or underscores (_).

Your user ID and name will be visible to others if you submit aphorisms or participate in discussions.

Entering your email address is not required, but without it, you won't be able to use any subscription features or recover your password if you lose it. Aphorisms Galore! will never display or otherwise give out your email address.

Subscription: — An aphorism from the collection delivered to your inbox every day.
— As above, but only on Sundays.
— Occasional updates about the site.

If you have a blog, home page or favorite site, you can enter its address here and it will show up on your user page.

You don't have to tell me where you're calling from, but I'm curious and would love to know if you don't mind. Your information will not be shown to other users unless you select the "Public" option.


Pick a password and enter it twice (to be sure to get it right). Make it hard to guess, and don't reuse passwords between sites.

Finally, click "Submit" to store your changes.