Aphorisms Galore!

tiny.ag/dlefcimh  ·  submitted 1997

Comedy is tragedy plus time.

Carol Burnett, in Happiness and Misery

This is an aphorism from Aphorisms Galore!'s official collection. It was the Aphorism of the Day for 2017-09-04.

Woody  ·  posted 2010 by Jan F

The quote is from Woody Allen - you can read about how it is said here: http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=950DE6DA1F31F930A25753C1A96F948260

Attribution  ·  posted 2015 by Hugh H.

This aphorism should be attributed to Steve Allen, at least according to this post, which I believe to be quite reliable.

looking for "exact quote and author"  ·  posted 2003 by mike

I am looking for whoever said the quote: "All comedy is tragedy" or something to that effect. I need the author and exact quote. thank you.