Sometimes, users and visitors to Aphorisms Galore! feel the urge to comment on something, or even to start a discussion on a brand new topic. Sometimes, those users and visitors are living breathing human beings and not spam robots. When that happens, their messages show up here. (Some messages from spam robots may also appear from time to time, but I try to make sure they don't.)
Most insane and funny author on earth. · posted 2003 by SebastiĆ£o Segundo
His is a very inteligente man. Funny and selfish maybe.
RHJunior, Man Who Needs to Get a Life · posted 2003 by Brew Murray
Don't get me wrong; RHJunior has contributed a certain few worth-while quotes, of which surpass mine. But the fact remains that he seems to contribute twenty or so quotes every other day. I suggest he get a life. He needs one badly.
HELP! · posted 2003 by Niel
PEOPLE!!I need you to go to this website: www.reemst.com Then click calvin and hobbes, and go to forums, and stay there!!ends at midnight..PLEASE!!It is important!
Whats does this mean · posted 2002 by Unknown
What would this aphoorism based on either Ralph Waldo Emerson or Henry David Thoreau 's mindset in the middle 19th Century.
morality · posted 2002 by waxingsun
quite contrary to this view, i believe that an excuse is the mark of an individual who wants to keep within the confines of morality by presenting themself as such.
Nomads, Civilization & War · posted 2002 by Kent Benjamin Robertson
(no title) · posted 2002 by Aristotelos
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am trying to find a quote of Aristotelis in Ancient Greek and thought you might be able to help me. 'Those that teach children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these gave only life and those the art of living well'. Hope you might know or you can advise me as to how to find it.
Thanking you in advance
Aliki Vatidi
Maslow quote · posted 2002 by Anthony Markert
I am looking for the title of the Maslow book or pub. that contains the quote "When the only tool you have is a hammer ....."
source of Toffler "illiterate" quote · posted 2002 by Dede
Can someone tell mw what Toffler work is the source of the following quote?
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler
Vidal Is right · posted 2002 by Gore Vidal
Vidal stated in his latest letter that country's have withing their means a way of protecting themselves that should not lead to war. He cited that Italy places a bounty for the arrest or death of Mafia members instead of bombing Italian towns where the Mafia reside. I feel Vidal is right in this account. My only other opinion would be that we should round up the Muslim Facsists in America and send them back to their disgusting little countries. If we do this we do not need a bounty or a bomb, just a plane and handcuffs! Ken
is that all there is? · posted 2002 by Patrick
I've got to wonder about the quotes attributed to Hitler. Did he say nothing of any value? I understand that he was a thoroughly bad person, but I had to wonder if there was anything of value in the volume of written words and speeches he delvered s a public figure. Did h have NO redeeming qualities?
Help please · posted 2002 by C. Rich
"What maintains one vice, brings up two children." This is a bit hard to interpret and explain, can anyone do it?
Help please · posted 2002 by Clark Richter
Im having some trouble interpreting an aphorism from Poor Richard's Almanac, by Benjamin Franklin. It reads as follows, "What maintains one vice, brings up two children." Any explanation would be helpful, I'm absolutly stumped.
(no title) · posted 2002 by feyter
does anyone know this aphorism a truly great man will neither trample on aworm nor sneak to an emperor
i have a question · posted 2002 by ileana
um well i want to know the name of somthing i don't remember the name was it bohr's model or what